return, 2015.

"are you home"

"are you home"

"are you home"

"are you home"

beneath the walls butterfly stains

beneath the walls butterfly stains

under the pseudonym: knulp

"Fullness - emptiness, shelter - fear, security - insecurity; Knulp takes a deep look into a house that emerges between these opposites, a house stuck between the past and the present, still alive. In "Dönüş" ("Return"), Knulp attempts to create an atmosphere made up of photographs, drawings and installations, in which these opposites may come to life. She attempts to render visible the passive, vanishing phenomenon of the action of "erasure" -which works even with a simple layer of paint on a wall- with pieces she'll place in Torun. More so, using the action of erasure, she destroys the concepts pertaining to furniture and houses, turning them into objects of little significance. She circles around the cycle that begins by settling into a space, with walls painted over and filled, items placed, and is completed by moving away. Settle - live - move - settle." (Text by torun team)

"I have returned, I have passed under the arch... My father's house it is, but each object stands cold beside the next, as though preoccupied with its own affairs, which I have partly forgotten, partly never known. What use can I be to them, what do I mean to them?...And I don't dare knock at the kitchen door, I only listen from a distance... And since I am listening from a distance, I hear nothing but a faint striking of the clock passing over from childhood days, but perhaps I only think I hear it... What would happen if someone were to open the door now and ask me a question? Would not I myself then behave like one who wants to keep his secret?" - Kafka, Return

Exhibition view at Torun, Ankara. Photo: Cemil Batur Gökçeer. 

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